Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cute Zoo Animal Pictures

The little otters were adorable. The two of them would perch up on this log and look around a little bit and then they would dash off and do a circle through their little pond around the habitat until they paused again to look around.

Seriously they were all jacked up on the Mountain Dew.

This little lizard (aka water dragon) that I'm pointing to is not necessarily cute, but there is a cute story that goes along with seeing him.

There are signs all over asking you not to touch the water dragons (or else you'll get kicked out) and right before we took this picture, there was a family with a 2 year old girl trying to get her picture with it. The girl kept moving closer and closer (giving Josh a near heart-attack), but her dad was telling her 'Don't touch, don't touch. Just sit and look.' And then he started moving down the pathway and left the mom there to get a picture. The first thing out of the mom's mouth was 'Touch it, touch it.' I guess it was her misguided way of trying to get the girl to move closer to it.

I followed instructions a little better and just pointed.

That's Josh feeding a kangaroo along with OUR roo. Kangaroos are both cute and scary - have you seen their claws? Also, if you look in between this roo's legs you can see another leg just kind of hanging out in the air. That would be the joey in the pouch. He decided to crawl in there and not turn around and so his tail and one leg were sticking out. I think that it's about time for that kid to move out.
Now - cutest animals ever.
The koalas looked like big stuffed animals just sitting up in the trees. I could have snuggled up to one.

We even got to pet one later on in the zoo.

I got to pet this one too, but see that pole running across? That pole kind of blocked my face from the picture. But it didn't ruin my excitement of getting to pet such a sweet animal.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool zoo! I love the pictures, proof that you could actually pet them and see them up close!
