Monday, May 18, 2009

Australia Zoo

We spent right at 6 hours at the Australia Zoo on Saturday. 6 hours! That's a lot of animal seeing. Here's a picture of the map of the zoo to give you an idea of how big it is.

Just as a recap - here's how the day went:

9:15 - Arrived at the zoo and had no trouble getting a parking space or buying tickets. The only people there right at the opening were families with small kids and 2 American young adults.

Saw Komodo Dragon, Australian Lizards and Otters. Saw Native Turtles and Aldabran turtles. Saw Gator, saw Gator, saw Gator, saw Gator, saw Gator.

10:00 - Saw Tasmanian Devel. It was Tasmanian Devel day (they are trying to raise money for the plight of cancer that is endangering the devel). We hung around here a bit to see watch them get fed, listen to the keeper's talk about them and watch them bring one out on the leash. Josh did not do his imitation of the cartoon devil. Saw Gator. Saw Dingoes and Cassowaries.

10:30 - Snack because we hadn't had much for breakfast. Saw Koalas (on Koala island) and Foxes.

11:00 - Went to the Crocoseum to see their twice daily show. It was awesome. The birds were so well trained and were dive bombing the crowd. They had the elephants and snakes out there. And the main event was getting to see them get a gator to go for the meat. It took forever, but it was pretty awesome.

11:45 - Saw Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Wallabies. Bought roo food for a $1 and fed and petted the kangaroos. Saw a kangaroo throw up from eating too much food (not our kangaroo - another one) and saw a Joey crawl into its mama's pouch. Saw Echidnas. Saw all kinds of birds in The Wetlands section. Saw Emus, Elephants and Red Pandas.

1:00 - Went to main food court and ate lunch. We were pretty much starving at this point. Saw Gator, saw Gator, saw Gator.

1:30 - Took shuttle back up East Asia section and saw Tigers. Watched them play in the water with toys and the trainers. They were just big ol' kitty cats. Came back and saw Koalas (again, but this time in an open range. And we got to pet one.). Saw Red Kangaroos. Went into Rainforest Aviary and saw more birds. Saw birds of prey in their special cage. Saw Southern Hairly-Nosed Wombats, Common Wombats and Australian Snakes. They had about 12 snakes on display. About 7 of those snakes were venomous. It was creepy. Saw American Alligators.

3:00 - Made it to the gift shop and walked around in the air conditioner looking for a magnet to remember our trip by (it's kind of our thing). We settled on a cute koala.

3:15 - In the car driving back to the hotel.

I'm pretty sure that the only things that we missed were the Camels (but we did smell them) and the Kookaburras (but I did sing that old camp song when I saw their name on the map). What impressed us most was how active and interactive the animals were. We were afraid that we were just going to be walking around looking at animals napping in their cages, but in most cases, there was a keeper at each exhibit to answer your questions or to play with / take care of the animals.

We were also impressed with their signs.

The last 4 don't just get an X, but they get a red Death mark.

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