Friday, June 19, 2009

why I wasn't home if you called

Here is our normal morning routine:

  • Josh wakes up at 4:10 and is out of bed by 4:15
  • I sleep in while Josh takes a shower and gets dressed. I usually manage to roll out of bed by 4:45/4:50 when my watch goes off for the 2nd time that morning.
  • I make Josh breakfast which he eats while getting a dose of morning Facebook and other internet. I also pack his lunch during this period.
  • Josh goes to brush his teeth and put shoes on. I either sign into work (if I'm going to work at 5:30) or put gym clothes on, contacts in and brushe my own teeth (if I'm going to the gym at 5:30)
  • We both leave the house around 5:20 and run by Jonathan's house to pick him up (his bike got stolen 2 weeks ago).
  • I drop Josh and Jonathan off at the park around 5:25 and either head back home to work or off to the gym. If at the gym, I make it back home after a spin class or weights - usually by 6:50.

Here is an abbreviated version of what happened this morning:

  • All bullets from 1 to 6 occurred according to schedule.
  • Rebecca reenters her house at 10:15 am (almost 5 hours after she left).

Here's the deal. We have 2 sets of house keys and garage openers - like the one below.

Except mine is pink. Naturally. This is Josh's set and it hasn't left the counter since we got here. About 2 weeks after we arrived, I decided that I was worried about taking off with the car keys (which were on another key ring), shutting the door behind me and not having the house keys. So I attached my set to the car keys.

Which actually makes sense since I don't go many places without the car and if I go for a walk, I usually put a key outside (or leave the sliding door unlocked - ssshhhh). However, this morning, when we got to the park at 5:28, there was no bus. There were about 40 guys in yellow shirts standing around, but no bus. We waited about 10 minutes and one never came. Josh wasn't real keen on standing around waiting for it because his work jacket got stolen after he left it at work over the 4 day weekend. So I told them just to drop me off at the gym, they could take the car on to the power station and I'd just walk home after spin class.

So we arrived at the PCYC (my gym) and I took my gym pass off the key ring, but I forgot one other important item. And I didn't realize it until we were cooling down on the bikes and I started thinking about my walk home. Nice.

But I had a plan. I would go ahead and start my walk home.
  • I was going to stop by the power station downtown office where the site services group (the ones who take care of us) work. Hopefully, they could give me a spare key or call the rental company to come meet me and let me in. It took me about 15 minutes to get there from the gym and I was not happy to see a sign on their window that they moved their offices out to the site.
  • Secondly, I would go ahead and walk home and see if maybe one of the doors hadn't been shut tight or wasn't locked or a window was cracked. I really had my fingers crossed for this one. After another 30 minutes of walking, I was home and I had no luck.
  • If the first 2 failed, then I figured that I could walk over to the Robinson's house (Bryan is Josh's boss) since if they were home, I knew that they would be up and use their phone to call the people that I needed to call. Luckily, Kathy and the kids were up and about and Bryan was at work for a meeting (this weekend is actually his off weekend), but she was expecting him back in about an hour (It was about 7:45 by this point). We were able to get in touch with Josh to give Bryan the key so that he could it back to Dalby to me. So I hung out at the Robinson's house and played with their kids and talked to Kathy until Bryan was able to get away from the site. He finally made it back around 10:15 and gave me a ride home.

Luckily it all worked out and I didn't get too upset about it at all. I even had a back-up plan in case I couldn't get to a phone at all. I had my purse with me so I would have just made a day in Dalby - brekky at McDonalds, coffee at The Coffee Club, a few hours reading at the library, lunch at the bakery, browsing the shops and back home. It would have been fine.

It's a good thing that I don't have to test that day in Dalby plan since our spare key is getting placed outside tonight.

In other news, look what arrived today! It only took 63 days. put it all back together.

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