Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend Update - 10.05.2009

As an update to the post yesterday, that was NOT all of the trailer. If I showed you a picture of the entire trailer, then it would be called the 'counting game', not the 'guessing game'. Also, I don't think that he took a picture of the entire picture. Mama and Haley, if y'all want to reguess, you can. Or you can stay with your original guesses. Just try to think about how many tires need to be there to carry a 240 ton object.

As a hint, there were 2 cabs hauling the trailer - one right behind the other.

Also, the winner will get something authentically Australian sent to them so if anyone else wants to play, go ahead and guess. I'll leave it open until Monday 05/11 at 11:59 EST (US).


I took Josh to work this morning. He said that it was to give me something to do, but it's really because he wanted the extra 30 minutes of work. I have told him that he can take the car, but he's not the best with directions (it's 3 right turns with signs marking them) and always feels like we are lost. Also, we don't have a Roo Bar on our Holden so it makes it a little dangerous to be out there (particularly in the hazy dawn and dusk) because it's rumored that kangaroos are dumber than deer. They will see your car coming, pause and then hop right out into the front or side of your car.

Here's an example of a Roo Bar:

It's kind of like a push bar that you would see on trucks out in the country. Well, a push bar with headlights. And not only trucks have these, but cars as well. In fact, we are much in the minority for not having one. My best guess is that Budget Rent-a-Car doesn't want to encourage dangerous bush driving.

But anyway, I did drive Josh to work. Here is the proof (taken from my side of the car while trying not to slow down too much for fear of getting in trouble for taking pictures).

It's a big ol' structure out in the middle of nowhere (except for the OTHER power station right across the street).
And there was no need for the Roo Bar this morning since I only saw 3 dead kangaroos (though Josh did see one live one). But I much appreciated the sign as I left the parking lot reminding me that my mate's families would like me to drive safely.
I worked in the morning, worked out and before I knew it, it was time to pick Josh up from the bus stop (since he gets off at 2:30 on the weekends that he has to work). We have had a good time spending the evening just hanging out and I know that he is looking forward to only 4 more days of work until he gets a break.


  1. I'm going with 120 tires... and 4 roo bars... ;o)

  2. CP - Tractor trailers don't need roo bars! I'm pretty sure that the dead ones I've seen was because of encounters with semis. :)
