Thursday, April 23, 2009

23.04.2009 - Bullet Style

  • No run/walk today (so no real pictures other than the TV one below) because I had mid-morning coffee with some other girls (Kathy and Sharlane). Kathy is American and has been here since January. They will be here until everything is go (at least as long as us). Sharlane is Australian, but they relocated from Perth. I was gone during the break that I would have taken for a run and so I needed to get more work done when I got back.

  • Sharlane has the loveliest accent, but she seems to like our American ones. Her little boy, Mitchell, is 3 and he was telling me all about Scooby-Doo and I only understood about 1/4 of what he was saying. Imagine a 3-year-old mumbling. Now imagine a 3-year-old mumbling with a strong accent. I just nodded my head, smiled and said 'Yeah?','Really?' and 'That's so neat.' over and over again. It seemed to work.

  • Josh caught the bus today. Hooray. But is voice is still basically gone. He alternates between sounding like a prepubescent boy and a 60-year-old man who has smoked his whole life. I'm going to try to talk him into letting me take a video of him talking.

  • Josh has to work this weekend which actually works out better because Saturday is a national holiday and so he gets it off. Those poor schmucks on A Shift get the weekend off and can't use the holiday later.

  • Official kangaroo sighting count - Josh 3, Rebecca 0. I might have to start taking some drives out in the countryside.

1 comment:

  1. Is there Netflix in AUS? Then you can get American TV sent to your house and on Netflix Live. Cheap too.
