Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Epic Fail and MORE mail!

Josh opened the Turkish Delight on Sunday thinking that it would be a nice mid-afternoon treat.

It was terrible! It tasted just like soap smells. Josh assures me that it doesn't taste exactly like soap (him having had actual experience), but it was hard for both of us to just get small pieces down. Perhaps we didn't get a good flavor. My guess is that the center of this particular candy was rosewater and not one of the fruit centers. I don't think we'll try another one.

In brighter news, we got ANOTHER international package yesterday. This one was a surprise since my dad had just posted it last Thursday.

It contained 4th of July shirts! Josh questioned if my dad knew that wearing USA stuff outside of the home country would cause unjust feelings. I suppose it doesn't really matter anyway since Josh has to work the entire weekend (including his birthday this Friday) and there aren't any 4th plans for us.
I was also happy to get more books (!) and an old white skirt that I had dropped an open pen on at work about 2 years ago and didn't realize until 2 hours later. My mom magically made the big red blotch on the front of it disappear.
Also included was one of my dad's famous notes.
Sparklers and M-80's. Heh.


  1. Do Aussies hate Americans? If you're staying at home working, you can wear your shirt. Do you hate America now?

  2. No worries - I have plenty of fireworks, and will shoot a few off for you. Hope all is well down under!

  3. Of course it was horrible. You got the one with 60% less fat. If you're going to try something new, you've got to go with the original... and probably avoid the rosewater.

  4. Haley - HA! Josh and I both LOVE America. And yes - I will wear my shirt while at home on Saturday. I don't think that Aussies hate Americans - I think it would be okay to wear them out too...other than the fact that my "t-shirt" is a sleeveless workout shirt. :)

    Chris - Thanks! We really are going to miss the fireworks. And everything is great down here!

    Moesha - That was the only one that was individually wrapped. I didn't want to buy a whole box and only find out then that it was awful. I'll keep an eye out for when we go to candy stores to see if they have any other flavors. *Maybe* I'll try it again.

  5. Looks like you are picking up followers - pretty soon you'll be another PW
