Tuesday, May 12, 2009


And the winner is.....Beth....who guessed EXACTLY the correct number of 128 tires. Though I was pretty impressed by Adam (Josh's brother) who did an actual calculation of how much load a standard 18 wheeler can handle to come up with a pretty close guess.

Josh sent me a picture of the whole trailer with the advice to count the chrome and to not forget the ones in between the guy's legs.

It's probably too small to count in this picture, but there are 16 rows of 8 tires each.

Beth - I'll send out your prize early next week after we're back from our weekend away.


  1. I was close! The picture didn't show us how big the trailer was though. *humph*

    I'm watching Real Housewives season finale tonight. Aren't you jealous?

  2. I know! But I DID clarify that it wasn't the whole thing in that first picture. :)

    It's okay - there will be plenty more times for you to play (and win!). :)

    Yes - I am jealous of you and all your American television.
